Plants need water, and during the hot summer months watering is a particularly important job. Here you will find the necessary tools: watering hoses, irrigation systems, sprinklers, sprayers and watering guns, watering cans and rainwater collectors, as well as the necessary additional gadgets: faucets, fittings, watering nozzles, faucet connections, watering timers, etc. An automatic irrigation system or sprinkler makes life easier, but a regular watering can will also come in handy in the garden. A garden hose is also useful for washing your car or bicycle, for example. Choose an irrigation hose of the right length to reach every corner of the garden. Rainwater comes to your home free of charge, a rainwater collector or rain gutter catches it, and your water bills are lower. Occasionally, insects or plant diseases need to be controlled in the garden, and a garden sprayer, a pressure sprayer or a smaller hand-held sprayer could be useful.