Your houseplants and garden plants need the right soil to grow. Find what you need in the Hansapost e-store: growing peat, universal garden soil or peat substrate, indoor flower soil, biohumus and compost, coconut soil, light gravel or mulch. Different plants have different soil requirements. For most houseplants, all-purpose potting soil is suitable, but if you are growing orchids, cacti or succulents, you should buy special orchid or cactus soil. Some plants, such as azaleas and rhododendrons, prefer a more acidic soil or peat mixture. Tomato vine fits well in the greenhouse. Biochar and compost are rich in essential nutrients. A nature-friendly substitute for peat is the coconut briquette, which, when moistened with water, becomes coconut soil. Pine bark mulch keeps your flowerbeds beautiful and weed-free. Conveniently order the right substrate for your plants online.