Söögitool koos padjaga Kinderkraft Enock, Whitewood

Type: Wooden dining chairs
The child's weight up to: 15 kg
With wheels: Without wheels
Product ID: 5483897

RMK price

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858 / month.
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Monday, 13. january


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Monday, 13. january


Attention! Delivery times are indicative, as they are subject to renewal depending on the time of actual order placement. The final delivery date is given in the order confirmation.

Pick up at an Estonian post office

Monday, 13. january


Home delivery

Monday, 13. january


Attention! Delivery times are indicative, as they are subject to renewal depending on the time of actual order placement. The final delivery date is given in the order confirmation.

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General information on: Söögitool koos padjaga Kinderkraft Enock, Whitewood

Product ID: 5483897
Category: Children's dining chairs
Quantity of packages of the product: 1 pcs.
Measurements and weight of packaging (1): 0,84 x 0,5 x 0,08 m, 7,4 kg
Trademark: Kinderkraft
Recommended age from: 6 kuud
Type: Wooden dining chairs
Species: Kinderkraft, wooden dining chairs laste söögitoolid
The child's weight up to: 15 kg
With wheels: Without wheels
All products of this brand: All Kinderkraft of goods

Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary. The video links in the product description are for informational purposes only, so the information contained in them may differ from the product itself. The colors, inscriptions, parameters, dimensions, sizes, functions, and/or any other features of the original products may look different than in reality due to their visual characteristics, so please refer to the product features that are indicated in the product descriptions.

Ratings and feedback (3)

Söögitool koos padjaga Kinderkraft Enock, Whitewood

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Annika A.

Väga hea ja pika kasutusajaga.

Chrisy J.

Vahetasin paar kuud vana plastikust Kinderkraft söögitooli selle mudeli vastu välja, kuna eelmine ei mahtunud ka ilma kandikuta laua alla. Oleneb ilmselt söögilauast, aga ilma kandikuta mahub meil söögilaua alla ideaalselt ja jalad ei jää ette, st on üpriski kompaktse suurusega. Võrreldes eelmisega käib ka kandik mugavalt. Ainukese miinusena tooks välja kinnitusrihmad, mis üks aste all (koos padjaga) ei ulata kinnitama - võimalik, et rihm lühem kui peaks, vaadatud videos justkui tundus rihm pikem. Samas ülemises astmes, kus ulatab, ei mahu hästi last koos istumispadjaga sinna vahele istuma asetada. Laps alles 7-kuune ja ilma turvarihmadeta siiski kipub alla vajuma ja on oht, et võibki nö toolist maha libiseda - seega rihmade kinnitus jalge vahel vajalik. Kuna tool ise meeldib siis peame ise mingi muu kinnituse mõtlema. Tool ise hea raskusega, ei kõigu ja lihtne puhastada.

Lauma K.

Tool on väga hea, ainult natuke raske last sisse-välja panna, esilaua tõttu.

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Purchased with: Söögitool koos padjaga Kinderkraft Enock, Whitewood
