Divine Animals Oracle: Deep wisdom from the most sacred beings in existence

ID товара: 10066332

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Описание товара: Divine Animals Oracle: Deep wisdom from the most sacred beings in existence

The voices and energy of our animal kin have always been a part of our human experience, across most cultures and time frames. The stories of their relationships with the goddesses and gods entwined the two energies into a divine form. Now it is time for us to reconnect with this powerful partnership.In this deeply researched and richly written oracle, you will discover the mythos of the animals and the eternal deities whose energy is woven together in synergistic magic and learn how to use it to benefit your life. Double the power, double the wildness, double the wisdom!Featuring animals and mythos from across the planet—from Africa to the Arctic—this unique oracle is not only truly beautiful but will deliver accurate and compassionate insight to the reader.
The voices and energy of our animal kin have always been a part of our human experience, across most cultures and time frames. The stories of their relationships with the goddesses and gods entwined the two energies into a divine form. Now it is time for us to reconnect with this powerful partnership.In this deeply researched and richly written oracle, you will discover the mythos of the animals and the eternal deities whose energy is woven together in synergistic magic and learn how to use it to benefit your life. Double the power, double the wildness, double the wisdom!Featuring animals and mythos from across the planet—from Africa to the Arctic—this unique oracle is not only truly beautiful but will deliver accurate and compassionate insight to the reader.

Общая информация o: Divine Animals Oracle: Deep wisdom from the most sacred beings in existence

ID товара: 10066332
Категория: Эзотерика
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,15 x 0,1 x 0,05 м, 0,1 кг
Тип: Карты Таро

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Divine Animals Oracle: Deep wisdom from the most sacred beings in existence
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