Dudao short USB Type C cable - Lightning 65 W 28 cm Power Delivery white (L6XE white)

Тип: Провод
Тип насадки: Lightning, USB C
ID товара: 2324593

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Описание товара: Dudao short USB Type C cable - Lightning 65 W 28 cm Power Delivery white (L6XE white)

Dudao short USB Typ C - Lightning data charging cable 65 W 28 cm Power Delivery

Are you looking for a handy and aesthetic charging and data transmission cable? Do you want to organize your workplace or study to make sure it is not messy due to numerous tangled-up cables? Choose Dudao – a short cable with USB Type C and Lightning ports which is suitable for supporting devices equipped with the same port. It is light, aesthetic, carefully manufactured, so this choice will be a very good investment!


  • Brand: Dudao

  • Cable type: USB Type C - Lightning

  • Length: 28 cm

  • Load: 65 W (max.)

  • Functions: charging/ data transmission

  • Compatible with: devices supplied with a Lightning port

Major features:

  • short cable which does not get tangled up

  • intended for charging batteries and sending data

  • solid manufacture, strong

Multifunctional Dudao cable

Dudao is the cable which you can use in two ways. It is suitable both for charging mobile phones, tablets as well as other mobile devices, and for sending data. You can do it at the same time.

Fast operation

Working with this cable is very efficient and fast when charging and transferring files. The gadget supports devices equipped with a quick charging function - Power Delivery 65 W.

Safe work

Although the energy is supplemented instantly, there are no hazards. The operation of the device is stable and secured, there is no overheating risk. This is thanks to high-quality components made of solid materials and a special chip. The smart management unit is responsible for optimal adjustment of voltage to the device connected. It consumes the required amount of energy, not more, and the battery cannot get destroyed.

Solid gadget

To produce this unit, a strengthened connection has been used. This means that the spot which is highly exposed to damage (the point of connection between the cable and plug) is protected against cracking. Even though it seems like a minor modification, in reality it has a positive impact on the life of the cable.

The very cable is made of a flexible TPE, resistant to bending, high temperatures and deformation.

Общая информация o: Dudao short USB Type C cable - Lightning 65 W 28 cm Power Delivery white (L6XE white)

ID товара: 2324593
Категория: Кабели для телефонов
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,1 x 0,1 x 0,01 м, 0,1 кг
Торговая марка: Dudao
Длина: -
Тип: Провод
Тип насадки: Lightning, USB C
Вид: Dudao, lightning borofone 43757-uniw
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Dudao

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Dudao short USB Type C cable - Lightning 65 W 28 cm Power Delivery white (L6XE white)
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