Product ID: | 39852 |
Category: | Cat litter |
Quantity of packages of the product: | 1 pcs. |
Measurements and weight of packaging (1): | 0,57 x 0,3 x 0,15 m, 10 kg |
Capacity: | 20 l |
Weight: | 10 kg |
Slot type: | Vegetable |
Species: | Cat's Best, vegetable kassiliiv |
Trademark: | Cat's Best |
Cementation: | Jah |
All products of this brand: | All Cat's Best of goods |
Product photos are for illustrative purposes only and are exemplary. The video links in the product description are for informational purposes only, so the information contained in them may differ from the product itself. The colors, inscriptions, parameters, dimensions, sizes, functions, and/or any other features of the original products may look different than in reality due to their visual characteristics, so please refer to the product features that are indicated in the product descriptions.
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Suurepärane saepuru. Võtame alati ainult neid, sageli allahindlusi ja saame hea hinna
Kasutan seda liiva hop on liivakastis ja kogu liiv püsib kastis, kassid seda välja ei too.
Toode tarniti õigeaegselt. Pakend ei ole kahjustatud. Tellin uuesti
Hea toode. Aitäh.
Kahjuks tuli seekord minu tellimust otsida. Kodulehel sai kätte, aga tegelikkuses sai vaid väike osa ja ülejäänu otsiti :( Pluss kahe koti pakend oli katki. Ühe koti osa koguti kotti.
Liiv on hea, kassile meeldib
Toode oli hästi transporditav, polnud pakitud mitu korda suuremasse pakendisse :))
Väga korralik voodipesu!
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