High quality Nano 4 layer screen protector, witch provides 96,9% light transmision ensuring perfect picture quality comapring with standart screen protectors. Tempered Glass is much more easy ti stick on, and their protection is 4 times better and deeper then any standart screen protector. Protector type: Glanced Shock Absorbtion 0,3mm thin 4 layer Screen Protector -Tempered Glass. Even if Tempered Glass Screen protector has 4 patented layers, it still provides HD image quality and allows to save image qualitu as orginal Tempered Glass protects against small scratches, deep scrathes, drops, hits and sun UV exposure Tempered Glass - provides extreeme deep screen protection because has 4 pattented protection layers 1 layer- First protection layer against small scratches 2 layer- protection layer against drops 3 layer- additional protection layer against deep scratches 4 layer- Speciall silicone bubble against bubbles YOUTUBE VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnEARQazSDE Product picture is just for information reasons. Tempered glass shape and cut outs fits to phone model what is ment in this description Compatibility: LG D290n L Fino Contains 2 cloths: 1 dry, and 1 wet for perfect apply Made from high quality glass witch is used in medcine Matherials made using patent technologies in Japan Manufacturers factory: China